Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. We know that the recent, weeks-long period of social distancing / self-isolation / quarantine / lockdown / what have you has taken its toll on all of us, mentally and physically and spiritually. And while we never want to be the ones to raise an eyebrow at another parent’s choices, we have to admit: The recent choice of one couple to name their lockdown-born babies Covid and Corona has us…well, certainly raising an eyebrow.
The babies in question are a pair of different-sex twins born during the night of March 26-27 in Raipur, India, The New Indian Express reports. The publication added that the parents chose the names as reminders of the hardships the family has overcome by welcoming these kids into the world amid India’s national lockdown due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
“I was blessed with the twins — a boy and a girl — in the early hours on March 27,” Preeti Verma, the twins’ mom, told Press Trust of India. “We have named them Covid and Corona for now.” Wait, for now?! Does that mean they’re waiting to find out how long the pandemic lasts or something? Are they going to switch the kids’ names to plain-old Priya and Rahul once we’re in the clear? I mean, we wouldn’t blame them. But honestly, we have so many questions. And Verma does have a few answers.