Smile lines or laugh lines are usually indications that one is living a happy life, and I for one look forward to getting all of them. But apparently one man doesn't see the beauty in them and couldn't handle the fact that his wife is aging. So he "innocently" asked her for a favor in regard to her wrinkles that was beyond insulting. According his wife, she's now devastated after her husband of less than six months asked her to get Botox. He had the nerve to tell her that laugh and smile lines affect him so deeply that he has "been crying every day" and he told her that her face is starting to mess him up.
- As the wife explained, it didn't take too long into her marriage before her husband made the rude request.In a post on Reddit, the anonymous woman shared that her new marriage started taking a turn for the worst only after a few months. Her husband began acting distant around Christmas and flat out told her that something was bothering him -- but that he wasn't ready to talk about it yet. Confused, she thought maybe her man was stressed about their move or worried about his new job."Finally fed up with this grey cloud ominously hanging over our marriage, I begged him to tell me what was wrong ... mind you, only after he woke me up in the middle of the night in tears," she wrote. "Very seriously and solemnly he looked in my eyes and quietly asked, 'Would you consider getting Botox?'”Stunned, the woman had no idea that this was where the conversation was going. "I was stunned. Shaken. Hurt. I tried to brush it off, but it was the way in which he said it. Not jokingly or off the cuff. No, this was something that had been eating at him for weeks," she wrote. "In my mind, every time he looked at me, he was judging me and thinking I was some hideously wrinkled creature."Since that night, she says that they've just ignored the late-night question and "tried to shake it off" by even joking about it. But the truth is that it's been weeks and nothing has changed about how either of them feels regarding the Botox."Lately he’s been crying every day, saying it makes him feel better. We’ll have a nice couple of hours and then I’ll notice his mood change," she wrote. "Last night he brought up Botox again, albeit trying to frame it in a lighter, easy-breezy manner. I asked him, what is it specifically that bothers you so much. He said -- and I quote -- 'It (expletive) me up to see you smile or laugh.'"
- That is why she's now adamant that the only answer to this problem is for the two of them to divorce."My mind went numb," she wrote. "After a moment of silence I told him I thought we have no choice but to divorce." The wife was adamant that she didn't want Botox and is devastated over his objection to her face."I told him that when I look at him, I see perfection. And why don’t I deserve the same?" she wrote. "Are we perfect? No. But I don’t believe I’m anywhere near ugly enough to warrant my husband crying nightly because he feels “(expletive)” when he looks at me."Now, she's doubtful that there's any way they could work through this problem."If at 31, he already thinks of me as this old woman, how are we supposed to have children together?" she wondered. "What about when I AM tired and old and wrinkled? These are my 'good' years and I feel like I’m past due.""How do we rebuild what’s broken?" she asked.
- Many people thought the answer was simple: The wife can't save this marriage.And many more told her that there was no reason to even try. The fact that her husband cried FOR WEEKS tells her everything she needs to know about where their relationship is heading.
- One person made it clear: This situation is completely "insane."Another person warned the woman that if she gives in to this, it most likely won't be the last "improvement" that her husband asks her for. "I would never be able to look at my husband and smile again if he said that. And if you get Botox for him, he'll feel comfortable asking you for the next thing," the person wrote.A third person agreed: The only real answer here is get out ASAP. "My only advice to you is to run," the commenter wrote. "This man sounds insane -- crying for weeks because he wants you to get Botox is far from normal behavior. What next? A tummy tuck? Boob lift? You deserve someone who looks at you like the sun shines out of your (expletive), not someone who wakes up in the night sobbing because he spotted a wrinkle."One person asked the wife why this issue didn't come up before they got married, but low and behold, it sort of did. "He told me out of the blue six months before our wedding that he didn’t like that I look older than him ... which totally (expletive) up my psyche as this had never even been a thought in my mind," the wife wrote. She added that her husband truly believes he looks younger than he actually is and "he’s told me he thinks people look at us and think it’s a mismatch.""But then he also will tell me he thinks I’m more attractive than he is," she added. "I’ve told him that I think this all has nothing to do with me and everything to do with his own self-image. But it still hurts when I receive the jab."
- No matter how you slice it, there really is only one strong answer to this problem.Either her husband has to get into therapy ASAP or this wife needs to cut her losses and find someone who loves her -- both inside and out.