MARCH 4--A Pennsylvania man charged with breaking into a neighbor’s house and attacking several residents claimed he invaded the property while chasing
after a “demon dog” at Satan’s direction, police report.

And, yes, crystal meth appears to have played a central role in the bizarre March 1 home invasion in Luzerne Township, which is 45 miles south of Pittsburgh.
According to a probable cause affidavit, a woman told cops that Terry Murphy, 31, entered her home without permission around 2 PM Sunday. Murphy allegedly choked the woman and her teenage daughter while yelling “Praise God.” He was then chased from the residence by the woman’s husband.
“At that time Murphy walked back to his house...while talking about his demons and that he was talking to Jesus,” a state trooper noted.
During police questioning, Murphy continued to yell about Jesus and his demons, and disclosed his pursuit of the demon dog.
After being handcuffed and placed in a patrol car, Murphy was transported to a local hospital due to “extreme intoxication from crystal meth,” the affidavit states. At the hospital, Murphy was “foaming at the mouth and yelling loudly all while speaking in tongues and causing a disturbance.”
Murphy, now locked up in the Fayette County Prison, has been charged with 13 criminal counts, including burglary, strangulation, simple assault, criminal trespass, and endangering the welfare of children.